Funny Things That Happen During Pregnancy
The hormones of pregnancy (estrogen and another hormone 'prolactin' which is secreted from a gland in the brain) stimulate the growth of breast duct cells. Prolactin stimulates breast milk production and progesterone supports the growth of milk-producing cells in the glandular tissue of the breast.
4) Flawless skin:
The pregnancy 'glow' is a very real phenomenon. It is from a combination of hormones, increased oil production which leaves the skin better moisturized. It can also stem from increased blood volume and blood flow to the skin. This is due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy which serve to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.
5) White nails:
Nail changes in pregnancy are common and can vary, depending on the person. For some, special attention to one's diet, intake of vitamins, and due to growth factors and hormones of pregnancy. However, for some reason, they experience brittleness, or even the nail lifting more easily off the nailbed. For those whose nails tend to weaken, they may be more prone to 'leukonychia' where white spots of markings appear on the nail bed due to slight trauma. This is not harmful and should resolve after the pregnancy is completed.
6) No hair growth on your legs and arms:
While most people tend to experience thicker hair on their head, many will notice thinning or slowed growth of body hair – this is because of the drastic changes in the hormonal environment during pregnancy, due to increased estrogen, progesterone, and androgens. These can have differential effects on different parts of the body.
7) Being on a constant high:
High estrogen levels can cause euphoria. Also, pregnancy in and of itself is a small miracle growing inside of you. It is a very special time. If you are lucky enough to have an easy pregnancy with very few complications or bothersome side effects, you may be able to focus mostly on the positive aspects.
8) Change in tastebuds:
Hormones, such as estrogen, play a role in controlling and moderating our sense of taste. This can lead to a common complaint of a metallic taste in the mouth. Also, it can account for pregnancy causing you to craze certain foods or to have food aversions.
9) Maternal instinct kicks in:
The idea that there is an innate instinct that kicks in during pregnancy. It is largely considered a myth by most experts. While it is true that a parent may quickly catch on to their child/baby's attributes in the early postpartum period. This is generally something that comes from spending time with and observing your child. It is not a built-in mechanism everyone should expect to have by the time of their delivery.
10) Cooking and re-arranging things in the third trimester:
Nesting is the urge or desire to get your home ready for your new baby. Many women will experience a burst of energy and motivation to get things in order before delivery. This may be part of an evolutionary instinct. It also may stem from the boredom and frustration of being pregnant for 9 months. Or also the excitement and anticipation of the new arrival and want to ensure all is perfect.
11) Increase in libido:
This tends to occur most commonly in the second trimester. In the first trimester, nausea/vomiting/fatigue can detract from the libido. Later in the pregnancy, in the third trimester, there may be more abdominal/back pain or discomfort which reduces libido. The hormonal changes of pregnancy increase blood flow to the sexual organs. This includes the breasts, clitoris, and vulva, leading to increased arousal and sensitivity.
12) Gingivitis, bad breath, or weak teeth:
The hormonal and immune changes in pregnancy can predispose women to gum disease and tooth decay. Increased progesterone levels can lead to the loosening/laxity of ligaments. Other tissues and this can lead to teeth feeling more 'wiggly' than usual. However, this doesn't translate to an increased risk of tooth loss. It is important to have regular dental check-ups in pregnancy. Periodontal disease has been associated with preterm delivery.
13) Intercourse is painful:
The pelvic muscles and bones are stretching and widening to prepare for labor. This can cause pain or discomfort with sex. In addition, vaginal dryness can occur due to hormonal changes. The increased blood flow and sensitivity to the genital area can lead to heightened sensitivity and discomfort during sex.
14) Tiredness:
Increased progesterone causes sleepiness. Also, the energy demands are high during early pregnancy. Your body is producing and pumping more blood to carry nutrients to the baby. In addition, blood pressure tends to be lower due to high progesterone levels, leading to increased fatigue.
15) Baby brain:
Hormonal changes increased stress/anxiety, and disrupted sleep can all contribute to 'baby brain'. This is a form of memory loss, forgetfulness, and short attention span that can begin in pregnancy. It can be exacerbated in the postpartum period.
16) Facial and body pimples:
This is due to an increase in androgens (male-type hormones). This is more common in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. It can cause the glands in the skin to grow and produce more sebum or oil. This can clog pores which then become infected with bacteria, inflammation, and lead to breakouts.
17) More moles:
Moles often become darker or larger to the hormonal effects of pregnancy
18) Body odor:
Additional weight gain leads to a greater tendency to sweat. Also, the hormonal changes of pregnancy can lead to sweat glands becoming hyperactive.
19) Bloating/fluid retention:
Bloating and fluid retention occur due to the effects of progesterone. This is an overall increase in blood volume and swelling. Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the bowel which can lead to slowed digestion, increased bloating, and flatulence.
20) Pigmentation:
Melasma, or dark patches of pigmentation, is caused by the body making extra melanin. This is a pigment that protects your skin from UV light, during pregnancy.
21) Stretch marks:
Pinkish streaks around stomach, hips, and breasts. This occurs with weight gain and stretching. Collagen and elastin stretch and snap due to pressure/tension. Essentially, stretch marks are tiny tears in the supporting layers of tissue under the skin.
22) Skin tags:
Studies have shown high estrogen levels are associated with increased skin tag formation. It is caused by hyperactive growth of the outer layer of skin.
23) Anxiety/depression:
Persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and anxiety are unfortunately common in women with prenatal depression. The causes are multifactorial. Hormonal changes in pregnancy can lead to mood changes. Pregnancy can strain relationships and be an isolating time for an expecting mom. Add having to care for other young children. Or juggle the day to day responsibilities of work inside and/or outside the home. It can all get very overwhelming. It is important to share these feelings with loved ones, but most importantly, a professional. Contact a primary care doctor, obstetrician, or even a therapist, before they get too overwhelming.
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